The Chicago Sun-Times Piece

July 15, 2009

Many of you have already read the piece - thank you for taking the time. I really want to send out a huge thanks to the editor at the Chicago Sun-Times food section for giving me space and time to be creative and to tackle the subject of Indian Street Foods in such an in-depth manner. Most newspapers would never have given a reporter that much leeway. So thanks Janet for being so forward thinking and for your thoughts on your blog. I think the spread looks amazing - especially all the supporting stories about Indian restaurants in the South Loop and wines to drink when eating Indian.
I absolutely cannot wait to send copies to the vendors themselves in India. Most of my pictures were of vendors near relatives' homes. I really wish I could be there to see their faces light up at the idea of becoming 'famous' in America.
My girls and I had no idea there would be such a huge picture of them on the front page - top fold. To quote Neha, "mom, we're famous ... now can we have some gum?" The biggest kick they got out of the spread is that their classroom mascots (Max and Barnaby Bear) were also in the pictures. So...a huge thanks to Ms. McIntosh and Ms. Mulvie - their teachers at the British School of Chicago for allowing the girls to take the mascots for two weeks to India for such an amazing adventure. We hope they did the school proud. (And don't worry - they got a thorough washing when we returned - the mascots AND the kids.)
I would love to hear from anyone who tries the recipes in the piece. My buddy "D" who is from the South Side but works in the parking area for Peet's Coffee on North Ave. (where you can find me just about every morning) tried my masala omelet on his teenage daughter. He said they both loved it. The cilantro and ginger just add an amazing freshness and kick to it.
Now back to cooking....

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