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Deadline Driven

December 05, 2009

If you're a journalist you'll know what I mean when I say I'm deadline driven.

It's a sexy way to say that I procrastinate on every story, every project, every thing in my life to the point that the desperate need to actually fulfill the task becomes so sever that it blinds me to everything else and pumps up my adrenaline to the point that I'll just work non-stop to get the task done. The outcome is usually pretty damn good so there's sadly no incentive to change.

The process is exhilerating, fulfilling and draining all at the same time.

Ahhhhhh...the oh-so-not glamorous life of a journalist...and likely many more of you out there.

So, here I am feeling the prick of urgency again. After a meeting with my wonderful publisher today I've been given a final dealine for my slow cooker book. Pretty much end of the year.

So...I start this weekend to retest all my recipes and adjust them for my new 3 1/2 quart crockpot. Wish me luck - or at least commiserate. I'll feel a lot better!

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