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Stovetop: Spiced Popcorn in Coconut Oil

November 30, 2022

Stovetop: Spiced Popcorn in Coconut Oil

The holidays are upon us and while I absolutely love that this year we can finally be with our extended family members celebrating like we used to, one thing I try to avoid is overindulging. Keep in mind, the emphasis is on 'over'. A little indulgence is what this season is all about, but when I overdo it is when I regret it. That's why I use healthy snack options like popcorn to get me through those moments when I need a little extra. So many don't realize how easy it actually is to make popcorn on the stovetop. The key is to use a roomy and heavier pan so that you can turn the heat up to pop your kernels beautifully without burning them. Keep in mind, you don't need anything fancy. The pan I use is over twenty years old and nothing to look at but perfect for making popcorn. I also love warm just-off-the-stovetop popcorn, so I've started making small amounts at a time, limiting it to 2 tablespoons. It's incredibly filling and still under about 100 calories. Incredible! If you want to make a batch for the whole family just increase the amount to 1/4 cup of uncooked popcorn. I also limit the butter and extra fat by spicing my popcorn with Indian spice blends like chaat masala, garam masala, sambhar powder, or rasam powder. If you prefer to keep it simple, just go for a sprinkle of sea salt. And not to worry if you give it a try and it does not work perfectly the first time. You may need to reduce the heat a bit or shake the pan while cooking once or twice. Perhaps you need to pull it off the stove slightly earlier. Be patient. You'll perfect your method like I have and you'll save time, money, and resources by simply popping your own popcorn at home without a microwave or other fancy contraptions. 

Stovetop: Spiced Popcorn in Coconut Oil

2 teaspoons coconut oil or ghee
2 tablespoons popcorn kernels
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon any spice blend (optional)

1. Heat a roomy and heavy pot over medium high heat. Once warm, add the coconut oil or ghee. 

2. Once warm, add the popcorn kernels. Place a lid on the pot. I prefer a clear lid so I can watch the magic happen. In just a few minutes, all of your popcorn will pop. Once the popping stops, turn the heat off. 

3. Sprinkle with salt and spices if using. Enjoy. Want cheesy popcorn? Add in a sprinkle of nutritional yeast. It can be added at the end or in the beginning in the oil so that the kernels are coated with it. 

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