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Happy Diwali

October 14, 2009 2 Comments

Every year for Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and others...this time of year is especially auspicious as we celebrate our New Year - the Festival of Lights, or Diwali.

This year I was especially lucky to have one very brave editor at the online section of the Wall Street Journal take a chance on my story pitch: the business aspects of the holiday and some of the food attached to it.

The importance that business families place on Diwali was introduced to me by my husbands' family - they've owned their own retail businesses since he was in high school. Though my family always did puja on Diwali - his placed an added layer of importance. The have one priest that comes to their home to bless it during this time and bless their accounting books.

Seeing this for the first time nearly 10 years ago got me thinking that this was a story that needed to be written. I'm so glad that I finally had a chance to write it and in the process speak with dozens upon dozens of wonderful and inspirational people in our community who not only think it's important to keep the traditions alive - but also realize the importance of teaching these traditions to the generations that follow.

So, take a look at the piece online at the Wall Street Journal. Post your comments and forward it along to anyone and everyone you think will learn and benefit from it. Can't wait to hear from each and every one of you!

Now I need to get back to cleaning my house - after all, Goddess Lakshmi is coming, right?

2 Responses

Dianne S
Dianne S

October 15, 2009

I also smelled the aromas of the recipes and I could feel the true connection between culture and financial success. It was a wonderful article, very informative. Thank you for the insight. I'd love to read more of your articles and I can't wait for your cookbook.


October 14, 2009

I read the Wall Street Journal article. First, although I can see you have published in a number of quality publications, it is such a great compliment to have WSJ publish your work. Bravo!

Second, you blended business with culture, religion, and food in such a way I could smell the aromas and envision the colorful sari's floating past as women prepare for the blessing of the books.

Third, you gave us wonderful insight into the Indian culture. I had a sense of the Hindu desire to revere the inner light, but was totally "in the dark" about blessing balance sheets!

Thanks for sharing.

Jeanette R.

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